July 16, 2003 |
DOE Provides Examples of Improvements in Quality Assurance Activities |
Letter |
July 16, 2003 |
DOE Provides Status of Two Commitments in the 2002-1 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
July 14, 2003 |
Board Finds DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2002-3 Satisfies Board Policy Statement 1 and is Responsive to Issues Documented in the Recommendation |
Letter |
July 14, 2003 |
DOE Reports Completion of Quality Assurance Improvement Plan (QAIP) Action 3.1, Regarding Integrating Quality Assurance with Integrated Safety Management System |
Letter |
July 14, 2003 |
Completion of Commitment 3.4 in the 2001-1 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
July 14, 2003 |
DOE Letter Forwarding Revision 2 to the Savannah River Site High Level Waste Tank In-Service Inspection Program |
Letter |
July 11, 2003 |
DOE Responds to the January 2003 Reporting Requirement Regarding Implementation of DOE Protocols for Testing High-Efficiency Particulate (HEPA) Filters at Defense Nuclear Facilities |
Letter |
July 10, 2003 |
DOE Provides Status of the Stabilization and Packaging of Excess Plutonium and Uranium at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Relation to the DOE's 2000-1 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
July 9, 2003 |
Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for Briefing by DOE on the Recovery Schedule for Accelerated implementation of SS-21 Tooling for W88 Bay Operations |
Letter |
July 9, 2003 |
Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Report within 30 Days Describing Training Assessments under DOE Order 5480.20A at Pantex |
Letter |