August 7, 2003 |
Board Issues a Reporting Requirement to DOE for a Report within 30 Days Explaining How DOE Plans to Provide Effective, Detailed Guidance to Contractors on Electrical Safety Programs (DOE-HDBK-1092-98) |
Letter |
August 6, 2003 |
DOE Memorandum Regarding Correspondence to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board |
Letter |
August 1, 2003 |
DOE Letter Regarding the Sludge Removal Project at Hanford K-Basins |
Letter |
July 31, 2003 |
Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a DOE Report within 15 Days on Remaining Glovebox Combustible Material at Rocky Flats |
Letter |
July 31, 2003 |
DOE Forwards an Expanded Requirements and Guidance for the Use of Administrative Controls for Specific Saefety Functions Relative to the 2002-3 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
July 30, 2003 |
Quarterly Report for the Period of April 1 to June 30, 2003 for Implementation Plan 98-2 |
Letter |
July 28, 2003 |
DOE Letter Regarding Commitment 4.4.1 in Implementation Plan 2002-2 |
Letter |
July 28, 2003 |
Minutes of Meeting of the DOE Fire Safety Committee in Relation to the Action Plan Addressing the Recommendations of the DOE Commission on Fire Safety and Preparedness |
Letter |
July 17, 2003 |
DOE Reports Completion of Quality Assurance Improvement Plan Deliverable 1.3.3, which Requires the Environmental Management to Establish Oversight Schedules, Performance Measures, and Quarterly Reports |
Letter |
July 17, 2003 |
DOE Reports Completion of Commitment 305, in the 2000-1, Revision 2 Implementation Plan |
Letter |