Contact Us

Ben Caleca

Who you are and what your job title is – name, title, and any specialty area/s.
My name is Ben Caleca, I’m a Civil Engineer specializing in Structural Engineering.

Frances Sutherland

Who you are and what your job title is – name, title, and any specialty area/s.

Frances Sutherland, Engineer. My technical projects tend to focus on nuclear chemical engineering.

Why you were interested in the agency – how did you choose the DNFSB?

I saw the DNFSB booth at a career fair when I was a junior in college. I became a summer intern and chose to return to DNFSB after I graduated because of the fantastic professional development program.

John Abrefah

Who you are and what your job title is – name, title, and any specialty area/s.

About the DNFSB

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board is an independent organization within the executive branch of the United States Government, chartered with the responsibility of providing recommendations and advice to the President and the Secretary of Energy regarding public health and safety issues at Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities.

Areas of Expertise

The Board applies a wide range of expertise in science and engineering in carrying out its mission of safety oversight of the Department of Energy’s defense nuclear facilities. The Board has assembled a staff with education and experience in fields important to the design, construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning of defense nuclear facilities. The areas of expertise most important to the Board’s work, and the particular focus within each area, are summarized below:


Find out how you can make a difference KEEPING TOMORROW SAFE TODAY.

Build a career that has a lasting impact and a career that you'll be proud of for the rest of your life.

DNFSB is committed to helping their employees reach their fullest potential while maintaining a work environment which encourages innovation, celebrates diversity, and focuses on exceptional performance.

Our vital safety mission requires us to recruit the best and brightest individuals from all disciplines. People just like you.

Board Calendar


March 2023



this is inside my container


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