December 31, 1995 |
DOE's Fourth Quarterly Report per the 94-4 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
December 29, 1995 |
DOE Response to Results of Phase I, Issue of Interim Storage of Pu and Progress on the Revised IPP Schedule at Rocky Flats per the 94-3 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
December 28, 1995 |
DOE Traceability Reports for Nine Revised Orders per the 94-5 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
December 28, 1995 |
DOE Response to the Board's Concerns Related to the Revision of the Functions, Assignments and Responsibilities (FAR) Manual per the 94-5 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
December 27, 1995 |
DOE Forwards the Contingency Plan for Large Radioactive Spills from Savannah River Site (SRS) Tank Famrs |
Letter |
December 22, 1995 |
Board Letter Agreeing to Provide Technical Personnel to Interface with Designated Technical Personnel from the DOE Relative to Recommendation 95-2 |
Letter |
December 20, 1995 |
Board Staff Trip Report for the Y-12 Plant and LMES Preparations for Receipt, Storage and Shipment Restart |
Letter |
December 18, 1995 |
DOE Forwards Draft ESAAB Procedures per the 94-2 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
December 18, 1995 |
DOE Fowards the "Facility Deactivation End Points Handbook." |
Letter |
December 10, 1995 |
DOE Quarterly Report on Ferrocynaide Safety for Period Ending December 1995 per the 90-7 Implementation Plan |
Letter |