March 29, 2002 |
Board Closes Recommendation 96-1 and Requests a Report on DOE Appoach for Treatment and Disposition of the Waste in Tank 48 at Savannah River Site |
Letter |
March 28, 2002 |
DOE Initial Phase II Assessment Reports from Carlsbad Field Office and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2 |
Letter |
March 22, 2002 |
Request for Briefing on the Findings from the Vapor-Phase Corrosion Workshop of March 26 and 27, 2002 as Applicable to Recommendation 2001-1 Concerns |
Letter |
March 21, 2002 |
DOE Change in Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems |
Letter |
March 21, 2002 |
DOE Change in Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2000-2 |
Letter |
March 21, 2002 |
Savannah River Site Canyon Utilization |
Letter |
March 18, 2002 |
DOE Inviting Board Member Joseph J. DiNunno to Speak at the Integrated Safety Management Forum Scheduled on May 7 - 8, 2002, in Albuquerque, New Mexico |
Letter |
March 18, 2002 |
DOE Intent to Change Commitment 5.2.1 in Implementation Plan for Recommendation 99-1 |
Letter |
March 15, 2002 |
DOE Encloses Two Reports Referenced in Under Secretary Card’s March 4, 2002, Letter to the Board Concerning Nuclear Safety Management Issues at the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations Office |
Letter |
March 14, 2002 |
DOE Updated Status on Overdue Environmental Management Commitments to the Board |
Letter |