April 25, 2003 |
Board Granting an Additional 30-Day Extension to Complete Verifying that Temperform Parts are not in Safety Applications and to Complete Outlining Adequate Corrective Actions for Disposition of Future Suspect/Counterfeit Part Issues |
Letter |
April 21, 2003 |
DOE Responds to Board Letter Dated March 7, 2003 Regarding Readiness Preparations and Readiness Review Process at Hanford |
Letter |
April 21, 2003 |
DOE Responds to Board Letter Dated February 14, 2003 Regarding Suspect/Counterfeit Items in Safety-Related or Mission-Sensitive Applications |
Letter |
April 14, 2003 |
Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Solutions at the Savannah River Site |
Letter |
April 11, 2003 |
Status of Two Savannah River Site Commitments, Packaging of Plutonium Metal and Disposition of Pre-Existing High-Enriched Uranium Solutions, in Revision 2 of the 2000-1 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
April 10, 2003 |
Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for Report within 60 days Providing Path Forward or Revised Implementation Plan for Sludge Removal |
Letter |
April 10, 2003 |
Board Accepts DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2002-1 |
Letter |
April 9, 2003 |
Vapor Space Corrosion in High-Level Waste Tanks |
Letter |
April 7, 2003 |
NNSA Plans for Institutionalizing Safety System Assessments Relative to the 2000-2 Implementation Plan |
Letter |
April 4, 2003 |
Board Concerns on K-Basin Sludge Interim Storage at the 221-T Building |
Letter |