Staff Issue Report

Metadata Attachment
Y-12 Plant: Staff Observations of Department of Energy (DOE) and Lockheed Martin Energy Systems' (LMES) Preparations for Receipt, Storage, and Shipment Restart Download
Work Planning and Conduct of Operations at the Hanford N Basin Download
Review of Actions Taken to Verify Readiness to Operate the High Level Liquid Waste Evaporator (HLLWE) and the NewWaste Calcining Facility (NWCF) at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Download
Review of Technical Safety Requirements for High-Level Waste Tank Farms, Savannah River Site, January 21-22, 1997 Download
Review of Phase II of the Department of Energy's Operational Readiness Review of High-Level Liquid Waste Evaporator at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, April 29 - May 2, 1996. Download
Savannah River Site In-Tank Precipitation Facility Safety Envelope Review - Trip Report (August 15, 1995) Download
Savannah River Site (SRS) - In-Tank Precipitation (ITP) Safety Envelope Review Trip Report (January 31- February 2, 1995) Download
Savannah River Site (SRS) -- In-Tank Precipitation (ITP) Safety Envelope Review Trip Report (December 12-13, 1994) Download
Status of Implementation of Department of Energy (DOE) Requirements for Radiological Protection, Formality of Operations and Training at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Download
Trip Report - Review of Hanford Site High-Level Waste Tank Safety and Characterization, October 24-27, 1994 Download


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